#Accomplishment Quotes #Effort Quotes #Watches Quotes
“Thenceforth they thought that, rationally concluded, doubt could become an instrument of knowledge.”
Source : "The Historian's Craft". Book by Marc Bloch, p. 36, 1949.
“The President sends us a billion-page paper that shows how he would spend the money if he were spending the money. He doesn't have the authority to spend the money. He doesn't spend $1 of the money.”
“A life lived in chaos is an impossibility.”
“Death's power is limited -- It cannot eradicate memories Or slay love It cannot destroy even a threadbare faith Or permanently hobble the smallest hope in God It cannot permeate the soul And it cannot cripple the spirit It merely separates us for a while That is the only power death can claim --No more”
Source : Donna VanLiere (2008). “The Christmas Shoes”, p.121, Macmillan
“With diadem and sceptre high advanced, The lower still I fall; only supreme In misery; such joy ambition finds.”
“My anger with the US was not at first, that they had used that weapon - although that anger came later.”
“I think that teachers have the hardest job in the world, and they are the most unsung heroes so much of the time.”
Source : Source: www.teachingbooks.net
“In the same way that banks succeeded at privatizing the profits and socializing the losses as they led the global economy to the brink of collapse, we are in danger of doing the same with the environment. Humanity has taken a huge leap in the last decades and become a planetary-scale force - we need to behave as a global civilization if we are not to face catastrophic consequences.”
Eric Greitens Author
James Stockdale
Larry Burkett Author
Paul Galanti
William R. Looney III