#Mistake Quotes #Self Esteem Quotes #Opportunity Quotes
“I'd never painted anything before. I was quite content to take other people's work since I didn't care anyway about the subject matter. I approached subject matter as a scoundrel. I had nothing to say about it whatsoever. I only wanted to make these exciting paintings.”
“Poor Harper Seven Beckham, having to live with that name all her life. It's the Boy Named Sue syndrome; at the very least it will toughen her up.”
“A lot of people didn't realize that I acted before I did anything else.”
“Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.”
“I feel like when I'm match tough and match hard and played a lot of matches I got that competitive winning spirit going and I can get on some rolls like I did last year. I won San Jose, Indian Wells and made the semifinals in Miami so it can happen for me.”
“There's one piece of advice my dad gave me when he dropped me off at college. He said, "You've got the talent. You can sing and play guitar. That doesn't make you any better than anyone else.".”
“Is there any other democracy where the voters are as spoiled as they are in the United States? Especially, of course, in certain states, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, where the old joke is literally true about the citizens who say they haven't yet formed an opinion about a candidate because they've only met the fellow a few times.”
Source : "Kinsley: The Coddled American Voter". articles.latimes.com. January 06, 2012.
“There is more refreshment and stimulation in a nap, even of the briefest, than in all the alcohol ever distilled.”
Jane Goldman Screenwriter