“I spent a lot of time doing things other people wanted me to do, so I'm doing what I want to do now”
“It's like our relationship is always about the other side that isn't the obvious side.”
“Ask for help. Receiving is an act of generosity.”
“Arms control is by definition a rejection of disarmament.”
“When I make a portrait,I cannot limit it tothe lines of the head, for that head belongs toa body, it exists ina setting which influences it, it is part of a totality that I cannot suppress. The impression you produce upon me is not thesame if I catchsight of youalone ina gardenor if Isee you in the midst of a group of other people, in a living room or on the street.”
Source : Quoted in Edmond Claris De l'impressionisme en sculpture, 'Medardo Rosso' (1902).
“For dreams to come true, it requires diligence. Believing is the most important thing!”
“Failing to hold someone accountable is ultimately an act of selfishness.”
Source : Patrick Lencioni (2012). “The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business”, p.59, John Wiley & Sons
“I can't just watch a horror movie and leave it at that. The scary parts just stick with me. It kind of infiltrates my brain and sometimes I can't sleep at night, so usually I don't go and voluntarily watch one.”
Source : Source: dailydead.com