“Love is a conflict between reflexes and reflections.”
“The Japanese army is now prepared to use every means within its power to subdue its opponents. The objectives of the Japanese Expeditionary Forces are, as clearly set forth in statements issued by the Japanese Government, not only to protect the vested interests of Japan and the lives and property of the Japanese residents in the affected area, but also to scourge the Chinese Government and army who have een pursuing anti-foreign and anti-Japanese policies in collaboration with Communist influences.”
Source : "Shanghai's Undeclared War: An Illustrated Factual Recording of the Shanghai Hostilities". Book by George C. Bruce, p. 54, 1937.
“Love is a fragile, useless thing. It decomposes easily in the tropic heat.”
Source : Eric Gamalinda (2000). “My sad republic”
“Socialism and SF are the two most fundamental influences in my life.”
“A street thug and a paid killer are professionals - beasts of prey, if you will, who have dissociated themselves from the rest of humanity and can now see human beings in the same way that trout fishermen see trout.”
Source : Willard Gaylin (1982). “The Killing of Bonnie Garland: A Question of Justice”, Simon & Schuster
“It is inappropriate for the Bush administration to trump up a case in which we are ballyhooed into war.”
“Sometimes we don't understand or we forget that there are no mistakes, only lessons.”
“Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.”