#School Quotes #Law Quotes #Chess Quotes
“A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.”
Source : "The Notebooks of Joseph Joubert". Book by Joseph Joubert, translated by Paul Auster, 2005.
“Anything which is troubling you, anything which is irritating you, THAT is your teacher.”
“Good stories are not written. They are rewritten.”
Source : Phyllis A. Whitney (1985). “Writing juvenile stories and novels: how to write and sell fiction for young people”, Writer
Alexander Alekhine
Chess Player
Aron Nimzowitsch
Chess master
Emanuel Lasker
Chess Player
Jose Raul Capablanca
Chess Player
Max Euwe
Rudolf Spielmann
Chess Player
Savielly Tartakower
Siegbert Tarrasch
Chess Player