Source : "Reinvigorating Greece is an Olympian task for prime minister Papandreou". Interview With Helena Smith, July 16, 2010.
“Just 'cause you pour syrup on something doesnt make it pancakes”
Source : Love in aVillage act 1, sc. 2 (1762)
“The government’s not going to create jobs. It doesn’t have to. People have to create jobs...”
“That's how it is with legends. The greater they sound, the more must've got left out.”
Source : Tim Tharp (2008). “Knights of the Hill Country”, p.182, Knopf Books for Young Readers
Alexis Tsipras
Greek Politician
Antonis Samaras
Former Prime Minister of Greece
Christine Lagarde
Evangelos Venizelos
Deputy Prime Minister of Greece
Lucas Papademos
Former Prime Minister of Greece
Mario Monti
Former Prime Minister of Italy
Yanis Varoufakis
Finance Minister of Greece
Dora Bakoyannis
Former Minister for Foreign Affairs