#Book Quotes #Successful Quotes #Persistence Quotes
“A divided heart loses both worlds.”
Source : A. B. Simpson (1984). “Days of Heaven on Earth: A Daily Devotional to Comfort and Inspire”, Moody Publishers
“You watch guys live through their peaks, and then unfortunately, you've got to come down from that peak.”
“Be a self-starter. Do it now! When you don't know how to do something, start. Beware of the paralysis of analysis. Be a person of action.”
“Something flickers across his bloodshot eyes. Pain.”
“The sole purpose of marketing is to sell more to more people, more often and at higher prices. There is no other reason to do it.”
“It's this simple: You are a brand. You are in charge of your brand. There is no single path to success. And there is no one right way to create the brand called You. Except this: Start today. Or else.”
“If users are not doing what the designer intended (when users are investing time, effort, etc in your product), the designer may be asking them to do too much.”
“As in any war, there have been dreadful mistakes and civilian casualties. The difference is when Israelis kill innocents they apologize; when Hezbollah kills innocents they celebrate.”
Colson Whitehead Novelist
Trisha Brown Choreographer