“We are a people who do not want to keep much of the past in our heads. It is considered unhealthy in America to remember mistakes, neurotic to think about them, psychotic to dwell on them.”
“When a man says he approves of something in principle, it means he hasn't the slightest intention of carrying it out in practice.”
“What counts is putting the intensity that you yourself have experienced into the picture. Otherwise it is just a document.”
Source : "René Burri, Photographer of Picasso and Che, Dies at 81" by Douglas Martin, www.nytimes.com. October 22, 2014.
“The ability to help the people around me self-actualize their goals underlines the single aspect of my abilities and the label that I value most—teacher.”
Source : Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison, Craig Walsh (2009). “The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership”, p.25, Penguin
“Then there’s the biggest problem of them all – the problem of being in an Audi TT when you are not called Angela. I do not know why it can be driven by only people named Angela, but that’s a fact and there’s nothing we can do about it. If you have a TT and you aren’t called Angela, you have the wrong car.”
“When you're 6 or 7, your father becomes this wonderful presence in your life. I really responded to my father. And then, the very moment I realized that I loved him unconditionally, that life was going to be great just because he was in it, he was gone.”
“in freeing myself from the romantic dream of finding another man to come along and rescue me, I learned that no one can rescue me except myself.”
“Nobody wants another computer hacker movie, unless it's something amazingly different.”
Source : Source: collider.com