#Stress Quotes #Oil Quotes #People Quotes
Source : "Ask the Teachers" by Arne Duncan, www.huffingtonpost.com. May 7, 2012.
Source : Ursula Hegi (2011). “Hotel of the Saints”, p.149, Simon and Schuster
“My career spanned the era when relievers started to become more important”
Source : "Hidden Depths". Interview with Gaby Wood, www.theguardian.com. March 27, 2004.
Aaron Swartz
Computer programmer
Geoff Nicholson
Jim Hightower
John Bonifaz
John Sununu
Former United States Senator
Judd Gregg
Former Governor of New Hampshire
Kent Conrad
Former United States Senator
Lawrence Lessig
Political activist
Russ Feingold
Former U.S. Senate member