#School Quotes #Honest Quotes #Adhd Quotes
“This is so classic. Government comes along under the guise of fairness, fixes something, gonna make it fair, gonna make it equal, gonna make it affordable, maybe even make it free. What they end up doing is blowing it all to hell, screwing it up worse than it's ever been screwed up, then their voters bellyache and complain about it. And the same Democrats come back and demand that something be done, because their voters need a second chance.”
“My favorite thing about L.A. is the sunny breezes that mimic the mindset of the energy in the people.”
“The preachers commission is to declare the whole counsel of God; but the cross is the center of that counsel.”
“All history teaches us that these questions that we think the pressing ones will be transmuted before they are answered, that they will be replaced by others, and that the very process of discovery will shatter the concepts that we today use to describe our puzzlement.”
“These girls want nothing to do with last season's clothes.”
“In sitcoms, the women are so beautiful, understanding and well-bred. They have humor, but sort of display it with a twinkle of the eye and not a guffaw. But there's no juice in that for me.”
Source : "Biography/Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“The reality of the other person is not in what he reveals to you, but in what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say.”
Source : Khalil Gibran “The New Frontier and Sand and Foam”, Library of Alexandria
“If you are centered in peace and think thoughts that are kind and loving, you will attract the same kind of ideas and feelings back to you. Remember, thoughts are like very powerful magnets!”
Alaya Dawn Johnson Writer
Deborah Needleman Editor
Donalyn Miller Author