Source : Shoshana Zuboff (1988). “In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power”, New York : Basic Books
#World Quotes #Rupture Quotes #Awareness Quotes
“There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question.”
“Allure is a word very few people use nowadays, but it's something that exists. Allure holds you, doesn't it? Whether it's a gaze or a glance in the street or a face in the crowd or someone sitting opposite you at lunch... you are held”
“There's kind of an unwritten rule, Don't call your captain out at a Ryder Cup, win, loss or draw, you just don't.”
“I mean the future has become old fashioned.”
“The truth is what hurts”
“I am an owner who prefers to stay behind the scenes and allow my staff to do what they do best.”
“There are two types of paparazzi. The ones who hide who get you with your mouth hanging wide open or jumping up and down like an idiot on the street. I much prefer them to the ones who come out and follow you.”
“Firing someone who is investigating you is a counterproductive strategy.”
Mathias Dopfner Chief executive