“I hate the calendar, which is both a circle and a straight line, a wheel and an arrow, grinding each anniversary, each day a reminder of my failures, my lost plans, unfulfilled objectives and wishes, the days aren't taken off the calendar, subtracted one by one, but added, another small stone accumulated, another foot moved ahead, the arrow flying forward instead of falling back to earth, when all I want is a complete stop.”
“A refugee is not just someone lacking in money and everything else. A refugee is vulnerable to the slightest touch: he has lost his country, his friends, his earthly belongings. He is a stranger, sick at heart. He is suspicious; he feels misunderstood. If people smile, he thinks they ridicule him; if they look serious, he thinks they don't like him. He is a full-grown tree in the dangerous process of being transplanted, with the chance of possibly not being able to take root in the new soil.”
“The odd thing about people who had many books was how they always wanted more.”
Source : Patricia A. McKillip (2008). “The Bell at Sealey Head”, p.30, Penguin
“We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.”
“I still consider Bill Clinton a friend and Donald Trump a friend. Some day in the future, President Clinton could be a big asset to President Trump in a lot of his outreach.”
Source : Source: www.realclearpolitics.com
“Some things cannot be explained. This is part of the magic of life. There cannot be a word or an idea or a definition attached to everything.”
Source : Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
“All I know is that I've made some big screw-ups, and I've done some things that have done all right. I just keep trying to learn from the mistakes I've made.”
“Baseball is fathers and sons. Football is brothers beating each other up in the backyard.”
Source : Donald Hall (2017). “Fathers Playing Catch with Sons: Essays on Sport (Mostly Baseball)”, p.35, North Point Press