#Marine Quotes #People Quotes #Would Be Quotes
“Night's black Mantle covers all alike.”
Source : Josuah Sylvester, Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas (seigneur), Gui Du Faur de Pibrac, Odet de La Noue (seigneur de Téligny), Henry Smith (1967). “The Complete Works of Joshuah Sylvester: For the First Time Collected and Edited”
Source : "Guardian first book award 2012 goes to Kevin Powers" by Alison Flood, www.theguardian.com. November 29, 2012.
“To seek Truth is to deny Truth to being with. To seek Truth is to avoid Truth, constantly.”
Alexis Tsipras
Greek Politician
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Donald Tusk
Prime Minister of Poland
Guy Verhofstadt
Former Prime Minister of Belgium
Jean-Claude Juncker
Former Prime Minister of Luxembourg
Jeroen Dijsselbloem
Dutch Politician
Nigel Farage
British Politician
Sigmar Gabriel
Former German Federal Minister of the Environment
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Former Vice-Chancellor of Germany