#Reality Quotes #Forever Quotes #Everyday Quotes
“I am not committed in any way to the traditional concept of character - the concept of "character trait" as involving predictable behavior. I am committed to a view in the neighborhood - the view that the moral worth of one's actions depends on the quality of will expressed in them.”
“I'm always sure of what I do," he said. "Sometimes I was just never sure there was supposed to be a happy ending.”
“People just sticking names on places, so that no one could see those places properly any more. Every time they looked at them or thought about them the the first thing they saw was a huge big sign saying 'Housing Commission' or 'private school' or 'church' or 'mosque' or 'synagogue'. They stopped looking once they saw those signs.”
“I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian who crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved.”
“We're dealing with old issues that aren't ours. We carry them and we pass them on to those who come after us. I am hoping to crack some of those.”
“I honestly believe that with a strong mind, you can literally 'will' the ball into the hole.”
“If I stay in Washington for more than 72 hours, I have to bathe myself in the same stuff I use when my dog gets into a fight with a skunk.”
Source : "Montana Gov. Scoffs at 2008 Presidential Talk", www.foxnews.com. July 20, 2005.
“I feel a sense of sadness and joy. Mostly sadness though about what I've experienced and sadness about what others have experienced in reference to the stroke.”