#Ego Quotes #Hurtful Quotes #May Quotes
“A publisher should always be on the receiving end. He should take an interest in almost any subject and remain anonymous, letting the author take center stage.”
“For history is to the nation as memory is to the individual.”
“My work knocks people out; you've not seen the best of me yet.”
“Happy endings were never handed out. You had to fight for them, earn them with bruised hearts and sacrifices.”
“The United States is the only advanced country that permits the pharmaceutical industry to charge exactly what the market will bear, whatever it wants.”
“There is a gentleness in Michigan that you just can't replicate.”
“It's definitely about the rhythm of the words and how they sound together, writing one sentence and then another and another and cutting something immediately if it doesn't feel true. I come from a family of musicians and - while I have no musical abilities of my own - I think I inherited a good ear.”
“You're anachronistic when you know that your feelings aren't going to have any effect on anything.”
Scott Michael Foster Actor
Xavier Samuel Actor
Italia Ricci Actress
Mallory Jansen