“How do I get past my fears? Make a life for myself? Risk loving someone? When death is all that waits for you, what's the point in trying to have a life?”
“My mother, brave woman, lost her whole family when she decided to marry a black man in the 60s. When the marriage fell apart, she had to come back to her family.”
“A music director cannot and should not be chosen on the basis of a first date. It is not so difficult to make a good impression with a single appearance, usually containing some of a conductor's party pieces, works they have performed successfully many times before.”
Source : "Star-Spangled Baton?" by Leonard Slatkin, www.huffingtonpost.com. May 20, 2013.
“If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.”
Source : Quoted in N.T. Bailey's The Mathematical Approach to Biology and Medicine Chapter 2 (p. 23)
“Prayer doesn't just change things - it changes us. If we are diligent in seeking God, slowly and surely we become better people.”
“How rare it is to come across a piece of writing that is unambiguous, unqualified, and also unblurred by understatements or subtleties, and yet at the same time urbane and tolerant. It is a vice of the scientific method when applied to human affairs that it fosters hemming and hawing and a scrupulousness that easily degenerates into obscurity and meaninglessness.”
“There's this phase in the middle of the process where there's still the potential that this will be great, but it's not a blank sheet of paper anymore, and that phase is always my favorite part and the part that I tend to want to stretch out and spend as much time in as possible.”
Source : "Nine Inch Nails' Charlie Clouser makes American Horror Story and Saw sound creepy". Interview With Alex McLevy, www.avclub.com. July 2, 2016.
“The exercise of authority over the same area by two States is a contradiction.”