Source : "House Democrats Re-Elect Nancy Pelosi As Minority Leader". Press Conference, November 30, 2016.
#Sound Quotes #Democrat Quotes #United Quotes
“Words are not too old, only people are too old if they use the same words too frequently.”
Source : "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd, February 21, 2016.
“Revenge is so much more satisfying than regret.”
Source : Linda Grant (1995). “A Woman's Place”, Fawcett Books
Anna Eshoo
U.S. Representative
Bob Filner
Former U.S. Representative
Diana DeGette
U.S. Representative
Duncan Hunter
Former United States Representative
Linda Sanchez
U.S. Representative
Loretta Sanchez
U.S. Representative
Mark Takano
United States Representative
Sam Farr
U.S. Representative
Zoe Lofgren
U.S. Representative