#Two Quotes #Sleepy Quotes #Cigar Quotes
“I trust no one, not even myself.”
Source : "World: Khrushchev: Notes from a Forbidden Land". content.time.com. November 30, 1970.
“Love can climb the highest mountain or sink to the lowest depth”
Source : Elihu Burritt (1850). “Miscellaneous Writings”, p.48
“One who thinks and reflects develops his foresight and vision.”
“I try to be somewhat wary of fame, but I'm not wary of success.”
Al Franken
United States Senator
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Christopher Dodd
Former United States Senator
Deval Patrick
Governor of Massachusetts
Joseph P. Kennedy III
U.S. Representative
Larry Craig
Former U.S. Senator
Maxine Waters
U.S. Representative
Nancy Pelosi
Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives
Aaron Schock
Former United States Representative