#People Quotes #Needs Quotes #Matter Quotes
“We have the choice of two identities: the external mask which seems to be real...and the hidden, inner person who seems to us to be nothing, but who can give himself eternally to the truth in whom he subsists. (295)”
“I ain't a communist necessarily, but I been in the red all my life.”
Source : "Woody Guthrie" by Steve Earle, The Nation, July 21, 2003.
“I love getting out on the streets and helping people.”
“In terms of style, too, I think I've been working with a somewhat limited -- although intentionally limited -- set of tools. So I'm attempting to be a bit looser as I start stories off. To digress. To make interesting mistakes.”
“Im a geek - I read fantasy novels, I play World of Warcraft, Im a massive gamer, I have Star Trek outfits.”
“Rents once sais, thirs nothin like a darker skin tone tae increase the vigilance ay the police n the magistrates: too right.”
“For five years I've felt like the best prostitute in a high-class whorehouse. But all the other girls get paid more than I do.”
“One must be reasonable in one's demands on life. For myself, all that I ask is: (1) accurate information; (2) coherent knowledge; (3) deep understanding; (4) infinite loving wisdom; (5) no more kidney stones, please.”
Allan Kardec Educator