Source : "Sharon: I'll solve the Palestinian problem in four years". Interview with Peter Beaumont, July 12, 2003.
#War Quotes #Israel Quotes #Battle Quotes
“It really shocked me just to hear of the fans' response to 'St. Anger' not having guitar solos.”
Source : "Politicians interview pundits: Diane Abbott and Nick Robinson". Interview with Nick Robinson, September 25, 2009.
“Maybe I'm a serial regional writer. First here, then there, across the map.”
Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel
David Ben-Gurion
Former Prime Minister of Israel
Ehud Barak
Former Prime Minister of Israel
Ehud Olmert
Former Prime Minister of Israel
Menachem Begin
Former Prime Minister of Israel
Moshe Dayan
Defense Minister of Israel
Shimon Peres
President of Israel
Yasser Arafat
Former Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization
Yitzhak Rabin
Former Prime Minister of Israel