Source : "[Flashback interview] Retired Senator Malcolm Wallop: 'Frontier Freedom'". Interview with Rick Henderson, December 21, 2012.
#Immigration Quotes #Bigs Quotes #Supporter Quotes
Source : "Téa Obreht: 'I don't feel I've earned the Orange prize'" by Kira Cochrane, June 10, 2011.
“I look upon book reviews as an infantile disease which new-born books are subject to.”
“I always try to overachieve. I feel I have something to prove every day.”
Alan K. Simpson
American Politician
Bob Packwood
Former United States Senator
Charles Mathias
Former member of the United States Senate
Craig L. Thomas
Former United States Senator
Don Nickles
Former United States Senator
Howard Metzenbaum
Former member of the U.S. Senate
John Chafee
Former Governor of Rhode Island
Spark Matsunaga
Former United States Senator