#Hero Quotes #Men Quotes #People Quotes
Source : "Figo slams 'galactico circus' at Real Madrid" by Sid Lowe, www.telegraph.co.uk. March 30, 2006.
Source : Michael Port, Mina Samuels (2009). “The Think Big Manifesto: Think You Can't Change Your Life (and the World) Think Again”, p.83, John Wiley & Sons
“It is strange how deeply colours seem to penetrate one, like scent.”
“So the ethic I was taught in school resulted in the path I chose in my life following school.”
Brian Michael Bendis
Comic Book Writer
Bruce Boxleitner
Claudia Christian
Grant Morrison
Comic Book Writer
Jerry Doyle
Radio host
Joe Quesada
Comic Book Editor
Kim Stanley Robinson
Mark Millar
Comic Book Writer
Brian Azzarello