#Voice Quotes #Hunters Quotes #Moments Quotes
“When the people of a nation stop communicating, they lose the common purpose that made them great. Their cities become ghost towns. People live aimlessly because they have no cause for which they are willing to die. The cry of the populace is 'Just leave me alone'. Perhaps the ultimate hell is that the wish will be granted. It is not unlikely that our own nation will collapse not through an explosive roar, but through a deafening silence. This silence must be broken in our generation. We may never get another chance.”
“I don't have much interest in being on a senior tour. I don't think I retired so that I could be on tour.”
“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.”
“I take that as an insult, even at 36.”
“I'm not looking for a boyish girl. I'm looking for a boy. And I'm not looking for a girlish boy either.”
Source : Source: www.progressive.org
“I can do whatever I want, I can have my band, I can use different people, I can use studio players, it's complete, total freedom for me. If I want to make a video, now that I own my own record company, if the video has an American flame being engulfed by a huge puddle of oil, I can do that, I can say that if I want to.”
“The desire to be seen as superior and singular- and, conversely, but similarly, inferior and individual, is a big topic...They have a term for the syndrome- it is called terminal uniqueness...we all refuse to be part of the crowd, to walk in the middle of the road in the safety of others. We all think were special. But the problem is, as I point out to Dr. Singer all the time, I actually am special.”
“If you don't change direction, you end up where you are headed.”
Bulleh Shah Poet
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Activist
Muhammad Iqbal Philosopher