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#Humility Quotes #Practice Quotes #Gardening Quotes
“You touch things lightly or deeply; you move along because life herself moves, and you can’t stop it.”
“It doesn't really matter whether you grip the arms of the dentist's chair or let your hands lie in your lap. The drill drills on.”
“It's sensational to be a part of a series that takes on a life of its own.”
“I'm the first one in line to go watch "Spider-Man," but there's definitely something in me that makes me want to go to a movie and see something that makes me feel good about life.”
“Because if you're going to lose, lose. I'm serious.”
“I think my constant fiddling and meddling with the status quo may have been one of my biggest contributions to the later success of Wal-Mart.”
“When I fought Montell Griffin, he quit on me, on the floor, I hit him with a soft punch and he laid down like I knocked him out, and it kinda upset me. I told him I don't care what it is, just give me the rematch. And then I really had to teach him the difference between acting like you've been knocked out, and getting hit for real.”
“Stand on the gas, my friend. If your right foot doesn't ache, you're obviously doing something wrong.”
Crispin Sartwell Philosopher
Ernest Sosa Philosopher