“He half retrieves a defeat who yields to it gracefully.”
“I really like listening to music in my car.”
Source : "Rebecca Romijn's Recipes for Success". Interview with Maggie Furlong, www.health.com. July 25, 2012.
“Through humility, soul searching, and prayerful contemplation we have gained a new understanding of certain dogmas. The church no longer believes in a literal hell where people suffer. This doctrine is incompatible with the infinite love of God. God is not a judge but a friend and a lover of humanity. God seeks not to condemn but only to embrace. Like the fable of Adam and Eve, we see hell as a literary device. Hell is merely a metaphor for the isolated soul, which like all souls ultimately will be united in love with God.”
“And now that Thou has restored to me the knowledge of Thyself, O Lord, let thy pardon fall on me, since Thy infinite mercy is not better known in anything than in pardoning a Dismas (the traditional name of the good thief) on the Cross and a Dominicus Corea on the gallows. If in Hell there is room for sinners, in Heaven also there is room for penitents.”
Source : The last address of King Dominicus Corea on the gallows in Colombo before he was executed by the Portugues; as quoted in "Great Sinhalese Men and Women of History - Edirille Bandara (Domingos Corea)" by John M. Senaveratna, 1937.
“Here in Seattle, I'm the most productive I've ever been. I don't allow myself personal distractions. I'm extremely disciplined here.”
“While, as I recall, conservative little boys practice quick draw with their cap guns while playing cowboys and Indians, apparently liberal little boys practice how fast they can throw up their hands to surrender to the guys in the black hats.”
“While people are free to draw different conclusions from the facts, there should be no debate over whether the American public is entitled to have all of the facts.”
Source : "Rep. Gowdy named to lead Benghazi select committee". www.foxnews.com. May 5, 2014.
“I think if you're not going to look so daft walking down the street split your workouts a little bit.”