“I always wanted to be an actor, but my top three favorite actors of all time are Al Pacino, James Dean and Philip Seymour Hoffman.”
“A girl in the middle years also becomes more centered in her soul-life, the feelings of her heart, and she needs our guidance to learn to express her uniqueness, those small seeds that will someday sprout into gifts, talents, and resources.”
Source : Jeanne Elium, Don Elium (2011). “Raising a Daughter: Parents and the Awakening of a Healthy Woman”, p.324, Celestial Arts
“I've been wanting to make a movie about the war in Sierra Leone, specifically, for more than 15 years.”
Source : Interview with Michael Moore, www.interviewmagazine.com. December 2, 2015.
“the demons that make a person afraid are the hardest to cast out.”
Source : Elizabeth George Speare (1961). “The bronze bow”, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH)
“Truth comes out in wine.”
“Take care that no one hates you justly.”
“Then she declared loudly, "Smoke break!" and everyone's eyes came to us, some of them shocked seeing as these days you could light up a doobie and no one would blink but if you lit up a smoke, you courted being publicly stoned to death.”
“It's just the end of some things. And the beginning of others.”
Source : Lisa McMann (2010). “Fade”, p.140, Simon and Schuster