#Life Changing Quotes #People Quotes #Deception Quotes
“The first ingredient to being wrong is to claim that you are right.”
“The fear of saying something stupid (which stupid people never have) has censored far more good ideas than bad ones.”
“The hardest shot in golf is a mashie at 90 yards from the green, where the ball has to be played against an oak tree, bounces back into a sandtrap, hits a stone, bounces on the green and then rolls into the cup. That shot is so difficult I have made it only once.”
“There's a word for a writer who never gives up: published.”
“That's one of the main thing with the lyrics - not giving any answers.”
“They say men have a sexual thought every 20 seconds. The other 19 are shame.”
“You'd have to be here to believe it!”
“In the wake of winning the war, Poland wants to help win peace with Iraq. I believe that the international community cannot leave Iraq without support.”
Orson Squire Fowler