“Clean energy is good for the environment, good for national security, and good for thousands of Americans who desire a rewarding career.”
Source : "Electric Current Events: Middle East Revolutions and the Need to Revolutionize American Clean Energy" by Rep. John Garamendi, www.huffingtonpost.com. March 1, 2011.
“Voice comes to you through a spell, a trance. The best voices are not you... they're a little away from you.”
“No matter what genre of music you play when you rack up a couple years of experience, you have your own point of view no matter who it is that is coming in front of you whether it's a pop artist or a country artist. Whoever.”
“I think once those friendships, if you use that as an analogy, the friendships between the audience and the character is established, then you can start to take liberties. I believe that as this unfolds people will find the time invested worthwhile.”
“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”
“The difference between the smartest dog and the stupidest man - say a Tennessee Holy Roller - is really very small.”
“There is an interview given by [ Jean-Paul] Sartre in the USA where he is asked what the future of French literature is, and he replies that the next great writer of the future is [Albert] Camus.”
Source : Source: www.spikemagazine.com
“Outsiders often have an insight that an insider doesn't quite have.”
Source : "Politicians interview pundits: Diane Abbott and Nick Robinson". Interview with Nick Robinson, www.theguardian.com. September 25, 2009.