“No man can be a politician, except he be first a historian or a traveller; for except he can see what must be, or what may be, he is no politician.”
Source : 1656 The Commonwealth of Oceana.
“All my life I had feared imprisonment, the nun's cell, the hospital bed, the places where one faced the self without distraction, without the crutches of other people.”
“If I were to talk to Lindsay Lohan, I'd encourage her to get the hell out of acting and into something soothing. Take up botany or something.”
Source : "7 Reasons Child Stars Go Crazy (An Insider's Perspective)". www.cracked.com. May 28, 2013.
“Make something beautiful of your life.”
“If the truth be known, we are on the verge of losing an entire generation of our young people, killing and dying in the streets of America.”
“But the thing I’m finding out is some people don’t really appreciate it when you’r trying to be helpful.”
“Anticipating the end of the world is humanity's oldest passtime”
“As long as we are alive, we feel fear. It is an intrinsic part of our makeup, as natural as a bitter cold winter day or the winds that rip branches off trees. If we resist it or push it aside, we miss a powerful opportunity for awakening.”