#Jobs Quotes #Perspective Quotes #Lessons Quotes
Source : Interview with Ryan Schreiber, pitchfork.com. February 13, 2006.
“A subject that is beautiful in itself gives no suggestion to the artist. It lacks imperfection.”
“I want people to like me. They don't have to always like my characters, you understand”
“Love is hate War is Peace No is Yes And we're all free.”
Source : Song: Why?, Album: Tracy Chapman, 1988
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Chris Matthews
Jim Wright
Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
John Boehner
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
John F. Kennedy
35th U.S. President
Nancy Pelosi
Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives
Ronald Reagan
40th U.S. President
Sam Rayburn
Former Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives
Thomas P. O'Neill III
U.S. representative