“Every day that goes by and we don't win a ballgame, that's a missed opportunity for us to battle back.”
“Interpreting gives me a chance to do what I do well and have done since I was a kid. At one time, I might have wanted to be an actor or performer, and it somehow fulfills that in a non-threatening way.”
Source : Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
“Because it corresponds to a vital need, love is overvalued in our culture. It becomes a phantom - like success - carrying with it the illusion that it is a solution for all problems.”
Source : Karen Horney (2013). “The Neurotic Personality Of Our Time”, p.287, Routledge
“Our whole economy is based on planned obsolescence, and anyone who can read without moving his lips should know it by now.”
“I always thought Ray Bourque was a great competitor.”
“Perhaps this is an area where every generation starts from scratch. Although the crisis of the First World War inaugurated an especially strong period of disillusion with regard to the optimism of the previous age, the pattern has repeated itself in many ways in more recent times, e.g., the loss of faith in politics as a means of advancing human well-being. And perhaps this also has to do with basic elements in growing up.”
Source : "Towards hope". Interview with Richard Marshall, www.3ammagazine.com. July 18, 2014.
“Being in love with somebody is a wonderful feeling.”
Source : "Shane Warne: I haven't had surgery.. my new look is the radiant glow of love" by Clemmie Moodie, www.mirror.co.uk. September 2, 2011.
“Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try.”