Source : "Sen. Jon Tester Decries Citizens United's Impact In Montana, Nationally". "All Things Considered" with Melissa Block, January 30, 2012.
#People Quotes #Montana Quotes
Source : Carvel Emerson Collins, Georges Simenon (1956). “Georges Simenon: An Interview on the Art of Fiction”
“Young people think that nothing bad will ever happen to them.”
“It takes time for the absent to assume their true shape in our thoughts.”
“I think women realise that I love women, and very often women seem to love me.”
“Each driver has their own identity and from one week to another, normally it stays the same.”
Brian Schweitzer
Former Governor of Montana
Claire McCaskill
United States Senator
Conrad Burns
Former United States Senator
Heidi Heitkamp
United States Senator
John Barrasso
United States Senator
Ryan Zinke
American Politician
Steve Daines
United States Representative
Thomas Carper
United States Senator
Tom Udall
United States Senator