“Hell hath no fury like a Democrat scorned.”
“I will cause a boy who drives a plow to know more of the scriptures than the pope.”
“There is no reward without sacrifice.”
“My favorite time is late at night. I seem to wake up and want to work after 10pm, in my bubble of night.”
Source : Interview with Christian Filardo, logger.believermag.com. November 27, 2013.
“I'm fiercely proud to be Scottish.”
“There's an old joke - um... two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of 'em says, "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible." The other one says, "Yeah, I know; and such small portions." Well, that's essentially how I feel about life - full of loneliness, and misery, and suffering, and unhappiness, and it's all over much too quickly.”
Source : Annie Hall, www.imdb.com. 1977.
“I want do some kind of action movie, car chases and explosions.”
Source : "'Slackers': Devon Sawa Interview". Hollywood.com Interview, www.hollywood.com.
“I waited, and I’m sure Elvis did too, for each Ricky Nelson record like we would a Chuck Berry record or a Fats Domino record, to see what was going on. I used to say to some of the guys that Ricky Nelson learned to sing on million selling records.”