“Let's throw it on the wall and see if it sticks.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“The Truth that is to be Realized may be summarized simply as the Realization that no matter what is arising, no matter how many others are present, there is only One Being. This is precisely different from the childish but common religious notion that even when you are alone there is always Someone Else present, Who will look out for you if you do the right thing. True freedom is not a matter of striking a deal with an All-Powerful Parental Deity; no such God exists. True freedom is in the Realization that there is only God and You are That One.”
Source : "The Parental Deity and the One to Be Realized" by Adi Da, February 7, 1983.
“Cats are only human, they have their faults.”
“Do people who wave at trains Wave at the driver, or at the train itself? Or, do people who wave at trains Wave at the passengers? Those hurtling strangers, The unidentifiable flying faces?”
Source : 1982 'Waving At Trains'.
“Before, you were only a dream. Now you're a dream come true”
Source : Teresa Medeiros (2004). “Yours until dawn”
“I feel like that's a blessing [ Ralph Angel role]. I really just think it's about the overall message, the way it's conveyed and the people involved in the project. Find people you want to create with because it's infinite, unlimited expression.”
Source : Source: www.ebony.com
“I consider myself a student of life.”
“You do what you can. You have to leave room to grow and make mistakes.”
Source : Source: collider.com