“There is a lot in Adam Smith that reflects the insights of Rousseau and anticipates those of Marx.”
“The vitality that can stand the abyss of meaninglessness is aware of a hidden meaning within the destruction of meaning.”
“One of your American professors said that to study religion was merely to know the mind of man, but if one truly wanted to know the mind of God, you must study physics.”
“As the strongest faith may be shaken, so the weakest, where truth is, is so far rooted that it will prevail. Weakness with watchfulness will stand, when strength with too much confidence fails. Weakness, with acknowledgement of it, is the fittest seat and subject for God to perfect His strength in; for consciousness of our infirmities drives us out of ourselves to Him in whom our strength lies.”
“Having no human companion I felt a spirit of comradeship for the objects of nature around me. In my childish way I communed with these as with my own soul; they became the sharers of my confidence.”
Source : "Holism and Evolution". Book by Jan Smuts, 1926.
“I don't fake my music. If I want to be known for anything it's for creating honest music. Noting is fake or will ever be fake about the lyrics and pain in my music. My music I live it.”
Source : "K. Michelle "Jumps In The Mix"". Interview With Nathan Slavik, djbooth.net. October 22, 2009.
“Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing.”
“Rome got some peachy pastings when she tried to lick the Irish.”