“People keep saying, 'How'd you get power?' Nobody gives you power. I'll tell you what power is. Power in my estimation is if people will listen to you. That's it.”
Source : "The Man Behind Scientology" by Thomas C. Tobin, www.sptimes.com. October 25, 1998.
“My ideal Valentine's Day is spending it with someone you are in love with and for that someone to make you feel loved and appreciated.”
“The connection to place, to the land, the wind, the sun, stars, the moon it sounds romantic, but it's true - the visceral experience of motion, of moving through time on some amazing machine - a few cars touch on it, but not too many compared to motorcycles. I always felt that any motorcycle journey was special.”
“Women are in this respect more fortunate than men, that most of their employments are of such a nature that they can at the same time be thinking of quite different things.”
“I think there is a potential civic culture in Arab countries that can lead to democratic institutions and I think Iraq is probably the best place to put that proposition to the test Well, you're going to find a disproportionate number of Jews in any sort of intellectual undertaking.”
Source : "Richard Perle: The Making of a Neoconservative". "Think Tank" with Ben Wattenberg, www.pbs.org. November 14, 2002.
“China is working on a similar system for its future carriers. Donald Trump may want to go back to 1920s-level technology, but the rest of the world isn't.”
Source : Source: www.bloomberg.com
“My three-thousand mile walk through Ireland convinced me of one thing - the possibility of organising a proper movement for the independence of my native land.”
“[Akiro] Kurosawa, no doubt, was a big influence. Movies sometimes more than directors have influenced me: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Ford, was an extraordinary discovery. Sergei Eisenstein, of course. Later on, [Ingmar] Bergman.”
Source : Source: progressive.org