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#Downtime Quotes #Touring Quotes #Enjoy Quotes
“Hopefully, I have a certain amount of what you call musical talent.”
“For most people, I'm just Alice. But I don't mind. Now, if I were Alice the ax murderer, then I'd hate it.”
“Singing connects the mind with the heart and the heart with the soul. So sing. I dare you!”
“Writers are always selling somebody out.”
“Names are not always what they seem. The common Welsh name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson.”
“People will have an altered idea of who you are unless they really take time to get to know you, which of course they don't. They just get what they see, and they take that to the bank.”
“When you see something bad happening out in the world, you should try to help in whatever way you can.”
“We can't say whether Tehran is supporting Al Qaeda, but we do know that al-Qaida people come here from Pakistan through Iran.”
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Antony Hegarty Singer
Israel Horovitz Playwright
Travis Morrison