Austin O'Malley
"Reason is the miner's lamp used in bringing up ore from the mind."
Austin O'Malley
#Mind Quotes
#Lamps Quotes
#Reason Quotes
“We got a great benefit from our contact with those people [Lucie Rie, Hans Coper, Richard Batram] and met people that we wouldn't have probably met if we had simply worked at the pottery.”
“The sergeant is the Army.”
“The supreme trick of mass insanity is that it persuades you that the only abnormal person is the one who refuses to join in the madness of others, the one who tries vainly to resist. We will never understand totalitarianism if we do not understand that people rarely have the strength to be uncommon.”
“The use of love is to heal. When it flows without effort from the depth of the Self, love creates health.”
“I do not know that any writer has supposed that on this earth man will ultimately be able to live without food.”
“I guess they have to label someone the sexiest person in the world, and it is always someone who is on telly even if it’s the weatherman. For a couple of years it was me and then it was someone else. It’s nicer being the sexiest man than the most ugly man. I live with it, and I don’t mind it, but I don’t go around with a big smile on my face everyday.”
“The appeal of the New Right is simply that it seems to promise that nothing will change in the domestic realm. People are terrified of change there, because it's the last humanizing force left in society, and they think, correctly, that it must be retained.”
“The line is very delicate and fine between being what one might call sane or insane, well or unwell.”