#Leadership Quotes #People Quotes
“He is the playfulness of creation, scandal and utter goodness, the generosity of the ocean and the ferocity of a thunderstorm; he is cunning as a snake and gentle as a whisper; the gladness of sunshine and the humility of a thirty-mile walk by foot on a dirt road.”
“Theres nothing like being a soldier for confidence or learning your limits or enduring utter humiliation.”
“If you associate with turkeys, you will never fly with the eagles.”
“I have done some formal acting training, because I sucked at acting when I first got to Los Angeles. I'm still one of the worst actors and auditions out there.”
“This is one of those big, fat paperbacks, intended to while away a monsoon or two, which, if thrown with a good overarm action, will bring a water buffalo to its knees.”
“Oh it's the bingo playing wizard I love you guys so much, but not as much as my bird and my bingo!”
“When I was 2 my mom said she knew I was going to be a singer. I`ve been performing ever since I was a young kid. So I`ve known I wanted to do this for awhile. I always knew in my heart that I`d be singing.”
“I think we all lose in the end because we don't get to stay here forever.”
Abraham Lincoln 16th U.S. President
John G. Miller Author
Zig Ziglar Author