Source : "Gently does it?". Interview with Decca Aitkenhead, April 9, 2005.
#Thinking Quotes #Sensible Quotes
Source : Neville Chamberlain's "Peace For Our Time" Speech in front of 10 Downing St., September 30, 1938.
“My mother had me sort the eyes”
Source : Elizabeth Graver (1991). “Have you seen me?”, Univ of Pittsburgh Pr
“No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.”
Source : "A long column about the length of movies" by Eric Snider, July 13, 2011.
Alastair Campbell
Chris Huhne
Former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
Lembit Opik
British Politician
Menzies Campbell
British Politician
Nick Clegg
Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Paddy Ashdown
British Politician
Shirley Williams
British Politician
Tim Farron
British Politician
Vince Cable
British Politician