“As our country bled . . . its leader's wife came to this podium piously to call for a new human order, this when thousands of Filipinos were political prisoners.”
“Objectively, class differences in accent, dress, manners, and general style of life are very much smaller; and one cannot, strolling about the street or travelling on a train, instantly identify a person's social background as one can in England. Subjectively, social relations are more natural and egalitarian, and less marked by deference, submissiveness, or snobbery, as one quickly discovers from the cab-driver, the barman, the air-hostess and the drug-store assistant.”
Source : "The Future of Socialism". Book by Anthony Crosland, 1956.
“It's a weird scene. You win a few baseball games and all of a sudden you're surrounded by reporters and TV men with cameras asking you about Vietnam and race relations.”
Source : Vida Blue, Bill Libby (1972). “Vida: His Own Story”, Prentice Hall
“By loving and leaving all that oil has done for us ... we are able to then begin the creation of a world which is more resilient, more nourishing, and in which we find ourselves fitter, more skilled and more connected to each other.”
“Over the years, she [my mother] always encouraged me in the arts. She actually worked at an art museum when we were kids. I took classes there. She was the one that, when we'd go to the store and I would have a pack of eight pastels, she'd say, "No, get the 24-pack." She was always encouraging me to get the best materials, which was really awesome.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“I think the reason I don't read is because, when I'm reading, I feel like I'm missing out on something else. You know, What are my friends doing? Where's my girlfriend?”
“Love is lust made meaningful. Hope is hunger made human.”
Source : R. Scott Bakker (2008). “The Warrior Prophet: The Prince of Nothing, Book Two (The Prince of Nothing)”, p.176, The Overlook Press
“I hope each day to have done 10 seconds of good work that they can use in the film. And Im always afraid I didnt get those 10 seconds.”