“My notion of art is very maximalist and souped-up: I love spectacle, overload, magic materials, magic words, incantation and litany, incarnation and possession, spilling and wounds. Art as a sacred event.”
Source : "'Art as a sacred event'". The Believer interview, logger.believermag.com. April 7, 2015.
“After you've won something, you're no longer 100 percent, but 90 percent. It's like a bottle of carbonated water where the cap is removed for a short while. Afterwards there's a little less gas inside.”
“I was rejected by casting directors during the day. I attended class in the evening, then rode 90 miles on the train home.”
“My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.”
“For all the folks getting excited about my quotes. Here is another - Yes, I am a terrible coder, but I am probably still better than you :)”
Source : Twitter post from Apr 19, 2010
“Always ask for advice but never take it.”
Source : Ralph Vaughan Williams, Gustav Holst (1959). “Heirs and rebels: letters written to each other and occasional writings on music”
“The writing of a novel or short story or poem or whatever should elevate the audience, not drag the writer down to some level beneath herself. And she - the author - should fight always to prevent that dragging down, especially when the only possible benefit of allowing it to happen is monetary.”
Source : Caitlín R. Kiernan's blog entry (greygirlbeast.livejournal.com), January 10, 2005.
“How could you reach the pearl by only looking at the sea? If you seek the pearl, be a diver: the diver needs several qualities: he must trust his rope and his life to the Friend's hand, he must stop breathing, and he must jump.”