“Because a true sense of purpose is deeply emotional, it serves as a compass to guide us to act in a way completely consistent with our values and beliefs. Purpose does not need to involve calculations or numbers. Purpose is about the quality of life. Purpose is human, not economic.”
“Regardless of who you are or what you have been, you can be what you want to be.”
“I don't care a straw for your newspaper articles, my constituents don't know how to read, but they can't help seeing them damned pictures.”
Source : "Article IV: An Episode in Municipal Government" by Charles F. Wingate, The North American Review (p. 150), July 1875.
“Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny; they have only shifted it to another shoulder.”
“Jesus was the first socialist, the first to seek a better life for mankind.”
Source : The London Daily Telegraph, June 16, 1992.
“I am gonna try again and again, because the moment I give up, is the moment I fail.”
Source : "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“a joy that hurts with sadness a sadness that is pleasurable a pleasure full of terror a terror that excites an excitement that calms a calmness that frightens.”
“I always speak the truth. Not the whole truth, because there's no way, to say it all. Saying it all is literally impossible: words fail. Yet it's through this very impossibility that the truth holds onto the real.”
Source : "The Truth Was Always Revolutionary": Luc Rioual on Laurent Binet's The Seventh Function of Language", logger.believermag.com. August 11, 2017.