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#School Quotes #People Quotes #Giving Quotes
“Apart from God every activity is merely a passing whiff of insignificance.”
“The spirit is what guides my life, and I'm humbly on my knees in thanks for guidance and direction every day. But God is not something to be preached, it's something to be lived.”
“He has all the characteristics of a dog - except loyalty.”
“All over the world the wildlife that I write about is in grave danger. It is being exterminated by what we call the progress of civilization.”
“There are some things you can't unsee, and there are some movies you can't get off IMDB no matter how hard you try.”
“I've never known any trouble than an hour's reading didn't assuage.”
“Order and disorder, form and formless must have profound psychological roots, nervous roots.”
“Like most ghetto kids I knew it was important to be 'somebody' so I became a good soccer player, because excelling at a sport seemed to make you special.”
Pat Robertson Author