#America Quotes #Light Quotes #Skins Quotes
“Get that finger out of your ear! You don't know where that finger's been!”
Source : "Fictional character: Captain Rex Kramer". "Airplane!", www.imdb.com. 1980.
“As the seconds tick down, Belgium are literally playing in time that doesn't exist.”
“If it were possible to take interest rates into negative territory I would be voting for that.”
Source : "Why Gold Is Unstoppable" by Doug French, www.caseyresearch.com. March 19, 2014.
Charles Schumer
United States Senator
Elaine Chao
Former United States Secretary of Labor
Eric Cantor
U.S. Representative
Harry Reid
United States Senator
John Boehner
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
John Cornyn
United States Senator
Nancy Pelosi
Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives
Paul Ryan
United States Representative
Rand Paul
United States Senator