#Believe Quotes #Passion Quotes #Exercise Quotes
“My whole career - I have been really lucky.”
Source : "Caprice Bourret...the sexiest fish in the pond". www.askmen.com.
“Christianity is the only religion whose God bears the scars of evil.”
“Change is never easy, but always possible.”
Source : Barack Obama (2009). “Barack Obama: Speeches on the Road to the White House”
“Rooting for other people's failure does get in the way of your success.”
Source : "What goes into designing The Biggest Loser's sets, stages, and chill rooms?". Interview with AVC, tv.avclub.com. June 27, 2016.
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Eleanor Roosevelt
Former First Lady of the United States
Hans Morgenthau
Karl Barth
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Civil rights activist
Paul Tillich
Stanley Hauerwas