“To Him no high, no low, no great, no small; He fills, He bounds, connects and equals all!”
“I’ve been thinking about that question about what city people can do. The main thing is to realize that country people can’t invent a better agriculture by ourselves. Industrial agriculture wasn’t invented by us, and we can’t uninvent it. We’ll need some help with that.”
“When a filmmaker does not make films, it is as if he is jailed. Even when he is freed from the small jail, he finds himself wandering in a larger jail. The main question is: why should it be a crime to make a movie? A finished film, well, it can get banned but not the director.”
Source : "Strange Bedfellows: Koch and London Critics Heap Praise on ‘King’s Speech’" by Melena Ryzik, carpetbagger.blogs.nytimes.com. December 21, 2010.
“Hollywood likes to put actors in boxes, and it likes to put Asian actors in really small boxes.”
“When someone in power declares that something is broken that means it's actually fine. What they're really saying is, "Let's change this so I like it and ruin it." Nothing is ever broken.”
“It is perfectly evident...that to thank the Lord in all things is not merely a courtesy, it is a commandment as binding upon us as any other commandment”
“I don't want to give Robbie Blake any praise, but he was superb.”
“My iPod's unbelievable. Seriously. The kids have put most of the music on it, but there's a complete mix of '80s rubbish and current day stuff.”
Source : "Small Talk Mark Lawrenson: 'We had no warm-up, no warm-down, we drank like fish'". Interview with Scott Murray, www.theguardian.com. July 28, 2011.