Source : "George Aiken, Longtime Senator and G.O.P. Maverick, Dies at 92" by Albin Krebs, November 20, 1984.
#War Quotes #United States Quotes #Cold Quotes
Source : René Huyghe (1962). “Art Treasures of the Louvre: Including a Short History of Painting in Europe from Cimabue to Toulouse-Lautrec”
“It's important to know the past, but your survival depends on knowing the present.”
Everett Dirksen
Former U.S. Senator
Hubert H. Humphrey
Former Vice President of the United States
Jim Jeffords
Former U.S. Senator
John Sherman Cooper
Former United States Senator
John Sparkman
American Politician
Margaret Chase Smith
Former U.S. Senator
Max Baucus
United States Ambassador to China
Mike Mansfield
Former member of the U.S. Senate
Warren Austin
American Politician