#Important Quotes #Here And Now Quotes #Love Each Other Quotes
“It is bad luck for world history that of all people the Russians adopted Communism, because they are totally unfit for it.”
“I can not evolve any concrete theory about painting.”
“The Clinton administration hated us, and it was a terrible struggle with them. I think that they felt if they didn't play, they could strangle us in our crib.”
“Today, the Iraqi citizen sees that America is coming and wants to occupy his country and kill him, and he is willing to experience for himself what happened in Palestine.”
“In on summer they have done their business... they have completely pulled down to the ground their monarchy, their church, their nobility, their law, their revenue, their army, their navy, their commerce, their arts, and their manufactures... destroyed all balances and counterpoises which serve to fix a state and give it steady direction, and then they melted down the whole into one incongrous mass of mob and democracy... the people, along with their political servitude, have thrown off the yoke of law and morals.”
“There's this thing called freebasing. It's not free, it costs you your home. It should be called 'homebasing'.”
“My research debunks the myth that many people seem to have . . . that you become a leader by fighting your way to the top. Rather, you become a leader by helping others to the top. Helping your employees is as important, and many times more so, than trying to get the most work out of them.”
“Music can be healing, and with my history and my knowledge of both sides of what looks like a gigantic divide in the world, I feel I can point a way forward to our common humanity again.”
Source : "The Billboard Q&A: Yusuf Islam". Interview with Nigel Williamson, November 17, 2006.