Source : 'Journal' p. 99
#Sentiments Quotes
“Things were here before you and will be here after you're gone. The geographic features, especially, give you a sense of your own place in the world and in time”
“Wall Street had been doing business with pieces of paper; and now someone asked for a dollar, and it was discovered that the dollar had been mislaid.”
“I don't really ever worry about what anyone else does and I certainly don't worry about what anyone else says about me.”
“To be able to detect the outbreak of avian flu anywhere in the world is going to require a partnership of several countries that will share information and samples, but it is important to remember a threat anywhere is a threat everywhere.”
“Sometimes Aristotle analyses his terms, but very often he takes them for granted; and in the latter case, I think, he is sometimes deceived by them.”
Source : Aristotle, Gilbert Murray (1920). “On the Art of Poetry”, p.12, Oxford University Press on Demand
“I think all married couples tend to run things by each other in every capacity and we're not different to them.”
“Once you abstract from this, once you generalize and postulate Universals, you have departed from the creative reality, and entered the realm of static fixity, mechanism, materialism.”
“I've read that it's the smell some carnivores use to find their prey. Imagine the trembling victim trying to hide, but knowing that the smell of its own fear will kill it.”
Source : Jo Nesbo (2010). “The Snowman: Harry Hole 7”, p.65, Random House
Mazo de la Roche Author